Thursday, April 28, 2011

What a week..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It started out with a lovely Easter Sunday spent with precious nieces and nephews...


 and from there went a little crazy with  weather problems, computer problems, neighbor problems, sickness (me, much better now) and on and on and on...
 After seeing the devastation from the overnight storms, I was reminded real quick how small and inconsequential these little day-to-day dramas are compared to people losing their homes, businesses and some their lives.  I AM SO BLESSED!!  I must admit to being a little burned-out lately, but this morning God smacked me over the head with the realization that I am able to make a tiny small living doing what I LOVE every day while many people head off every morning to a job they hate and just try to get through each day. Sorry, for the rabbit trail~I just needed to share and to remind myself and you to COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS every day~we have so many things to be thankful for.
 Many new lovelies to be seen at the shop...

 Beautiful Sophie helping her mom...

 Sweet bunny birdbath~looks like a character right out of a Beatrix Potter story~!
 Lovely lavender, clock faces, rusty garden creatures...

Make sure you get out this weekend and support some of our wonderful local events (Liberty Antiques Festival, Dogwood Festival, Herb Festival) and the hard-working people who help make this area great~and try to squeeze in a visit to us if you can~We would love to see YOU!  We still have lots of plants and flowers available and perfect for Mother's Day!