I know you guys are probably looking for some pretty pics of the shop tonight, but if you don't mind I would like to request your prayers for this little gal, our daughter, Olivia. So many of you are more than customers, you are like family to us and we can't say how much we appreciate the thoughts and prayers many of you have already offered up for our family this year.
Olivia 11-29-11 Duke Pediatric Intensive Care (super bad hair day :) trying to smile even while on the ventilator. (she's a rock star) |
As many of you know, Olivia has severe cerebral palsy and lots of special medical needs. This year has been tough, she was in the ICU in September as well and this week we ended up back there again due to respiratory failure caused by some kind of bacterial infection or virus, the doctors still aren't sure.
We could not be more proud of our strong, brave girl |
She is brave beyond words and in her 11 years has suffered more than most of us will in our lifetimes, yet she smiles and holds no grudges. She's never hated, judged or been unkind to anyone. She knows nothing but love and trust, though life has not been kind to her.
We feel the hands of time ticking away, but we find joy in her life and celebrate EVERY day we have with her.
Last week~before she got sick~me and my precious girl |
Please pray for her comfort and peace. Pray for David and I to be strong for her and to find joy in this life we have been handed. Thank God for your healthy children and remember all those who are not so blessed.
Last week~happy girl |
Thank you so much for your love and support~we feel so blessed! The shop will be closed Thursday, but will be OPEN our regular hours on Friday and Saturday from 10-4! I will keep you updated on Olivia's condition as I am able! xoxoxoxo Heather