Wednesday, May 15, 2013
around the shop...
today it actually started to feel like summer...beautiful blue skies, warm and toasty outside! I don't know about you, but I'm starting to think of all the fun things summer brings...dinner outside by the grill {hot dogs tonight, FANCY} baseball on the radio{at least when I was a kid} ice cream cones, {had one today at Wendy's~Frosty in a waffle cone~brilliant} working in the yard until the fireflies come out.....
Even though we adults don't get summer vacation, it sure feels festive and relaxed this time of year!
We had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend at the shop and we hope you are happy with the treasures you may have received from Nest!
Head over HERE for lots more pictures and info! On our FACEBOOK PAGE we also have links to our Pinterest page and Instagram!
Visit us soon at Nest!
107 W. Clay St. in Downtown Mebane, NC
Open every Thursday - Saturday from 10-5 with freshly picked treasures arriving daily
Double-click on pictures to super-size!