2010 |
Maple Ave. |
Maple Ave. |
Maple Ave. location {before we became Nest} |
bet ya'll didn't know we went this far back! Our first place in Graham... the before! |
our Maple Ave. location...Before! |
Yesterday, 12/21/13 was Nest's last day. Hannah and I would like to thank each and everyone of you that has supported us over the last several years. We have the BEST customers hands down and without you Nest would never have been such a success.
2009 |
We have had the privilege of bringing life back into 4 old buildings, removing plaster, revealing century old brick, bringing people back into some which had been closed up for years.
our short-lived Worth St. location in downtown Burlington. Hannah and I removed ALL the drywall by ourselves! Girls rock when they are determined...It was a labor of love.
We've had a lot of fun along the way and can't wait to start our new journey! Read
this post to learn more!
Salvage Sisters 1236 S. Church St. in Burlington will open January 17'th! Hope to see you there! Follow along
here to keep up!